Webinar. Gesture & Response: an inquiry into generosity


The comings months, change facilitators will convene and address the question: In what ways can we build a vibrant global changemaker community, inspired, connected and equipped to co-create a flourishing future? The Global Change Days Festival June 26/27 will be hosted by Adam Kahane. Jouke Kruijer – Gesture & Response: an inquiry into generosity Zoom

Back to White, not to Normal! Artful knowing and organizational change, The Post-liminal (part 4)



Back to White, the project of painting my previous work white. I have written about this as a metaphor and practice of lived experiences in my studio. And I used the concept of liminality as a grounding idea for my understanding of change in terms of rites of passage. Having discussed the separation rites and

Adam’s Apple: The sour-sweet smell of Paradise


It never felt so green Week 5 of the lock-down. Looking outside, from my window this morning, I have not seen the sky so clear, since I was seven years old. I notice the leaves on the branches are so green they smell of green apples. Like when you put your teeth in for the

Back to White. Artful knowing and organizational change. The liminal, fieldnotes from within (part 3)


This change story is changing I started, pre-corona, to write this series on change: my Linked-In posts as a public invitation to make sense of a very personal inquiry about changing my artistic genre. I am painting 1000 of my nude paintings white to create my first conceptual work of art, called Back to White.

Back to White. Artful knowing and organizational change: Resistance, neutral zones and empty rituals (part 2)


Previously, in this series. To change my genre from nude painting to conceptual art, I decided to paint a 1000 of my ‘nudes’ white. This process–I called it ‘Back to White’–greatly affected my ways of thinking about art and the nature of change. It is also a core practice of my doctoral work at Ashridge

In het FD: Chief Creative Officer


Voor Financieel Dagblad special van afgelopen weekend ‘The crowd biedt gouden ideeën’ werd ik gevraagd wat we kunnen doen voor betere zorg, onderwijs, business. Natuurlijk kan het perspectief van de kunstenaar niet ontbreken!  

Anders organiseren: Een pleidooi voor creatief leiderschap


Veranderen van binnenuit, transformatief veranderen, duurzaam veranderen. Wat betekenen die termen eigenlijk? Als organisatieadviseur en kunstenaar zie ik veranderingen in de eerste plaats als een creatief proces. Ik geloof dat een herwaardering van het begrip creativiteit cruciaal is als we organisaties anders willen vormgeven.  Ik ga graag in op het onderbewuste in relatie tot ons

Open Einde….Verhalen die stemmen tot nadenken


Er is bijna geen ontkomen aan. Meningen, hapklare tips, goed bedoelde adviezen, wijze quotes. Op sociale media, in de krant, aan de koffietafel. We delen artikelen en liken quotes dat het lust is. Ik vraag me af of je daar nou echt wat van leert. Ik mis soms ambiguïteit en ik verlang steeds meer naar

Keep in Mind: Berlin Change Days 2016


Walking through Kreuzberg, I realized what a great choice it was to organize the Berlin Change Days in that part of town. Great for roaming the streets (we had splendid autumn weather), great for shopping (I bought a windercoat) and going out (Jazzclub in Rosenthaler Strasse). I had just been asked to co-design and co-facilitate

Stumble, Live and Work Effectively


How we stumble effectively Dealing with volatility and uncertainty is rapidly becoming the number one challenge of corporate life. We live in a world where all things are intricately related. And one thing here may have a huge effect there. For progress it is not enough to entirely trust our ability to make rational decisions.

I am a Hybrid Professional: Shouldn’t You be One Too? Read more >

Blue – Red: What’s connecting? Read more >

Original Art Jouke Kruijer

I Bet you’re an Artist too: Art is in the Seeing, not in the Making Read more >

Jouke Kruijer

Jouke Kruijer